Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”)

Annex Business Media Statement of Commitment

Annex Business Media (“Annex”) is committed to providing an open and respectful environment for our employees and our customers.
The Annex culture will be inclusive where all persons with disabilities feel valued, and that they are integrated into the business and have equal opportunity. Individuals will be encouraged to act independently, and will be treated with dignity in a manner which takes into account any disability.

Regardless of an individual’s ability, everyone will be treated with respect, dignity, independence, integration and equality of opportunity.
Customer Service Standard

Annex Business Media is an inclusive organization, committed to serving all customers, including those with disabilities with the same high level of customer service. All customers will be treated with the same level of respect, dignity, independence, integration and equality of opportunity.

We will communicate with people who have disabilities in a manner that takes into account their needs. Our employees and representatives are encouraged to be pro-active in finding solutions and removing barriers. They will advise customers of the range of accommodations that are available.

We welcome customers into our facilities with assistive devices, service animals and support people. Customer access to our facilities is normally limited to front reception, meeting rooms and the shipping and receiving areas designated for visitors.

Service Animals and Support Persons

Service animals and support persons are welcome within the areas of our facilities accessible by customers.

Notice of Temporary Disruptions

In the event of any planned or unexpected disruption of services or facilities used by individuals with a disability, a sign will be posted indicating the reason for disruption and the date by which it will be rectified. This would include automatic door openers and washroom facilities designed for those with disabilities.


Annex will provide training to all employees.

Training will include:

  • Ontario government “Serve-Ability” online course. This course is designed to help us better serve customers with disabilities.
  • How to interact and communicate with customers with various types of disabilities.
  • How to interact with those using an assistive device, support person or service animal.
  • How to use assistive devices or equipment which may be available at Annex.
  • What to do if a customer with a disability is having difficulty accessing our service/goods.
  • Review of the legislation requirements.
  • Review of Annex policies regarding accessibility.
  • Training will be completed during orientation. Training needs will be reviewed periodically as updates are made or when a training refresher is needed or required by law.

Feedback Process

Annex welcomes feedback from customers. Customers who wish to provide feedback on the way Annex provides customer service to individuals with disabilities can do so via the following methods:

  • Verbally, by calling the manager of Human Resources at 519-429-5192
  • Electronically via e-mail at
  • All feedback will be directed to the Human Resources Manager. Responses will be provided within 24 hours to those who offer feedback. Responses provided will be consistent with the situation and may vary based on circumstance.

Employment Standards

Employment Related Policies

It is important that an employee with a permanent or temporary disability contact the Human Resources Manager as soon as possible to ensure that Annex is aware of the disability. We will work together on a plan to make suitable and reasonable accommodations.

Recruitment advertising, both internal and external will include a statement notifying potential applicants of the availability of accommodations for disabilities, where needed.

Applicants chosen to participate in the selection process will be advised that accommodations are available upon request. If an applicant requests an accommodation, Annex will consult with the applicant to ensure that a suitable accommodation is made.

When making offers of employment, Annex will notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.

Informing Employees of Policies

This policy is available online on the Annex website This policy will be incorporated in the onboarding process for all new hires and any policy updates will be communicated via the company’s My Annex update e-news letter or email.


All employees will receive training on the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), the Ontario Human Rights Code and all Annex accessibility policies. Training will utilize the Ontario government training available at

All employees who deal with customers will receive customer service training related to accessibility as well. Please refer to the Annex Business Media AODA Customer Service Policy.

Third party contractors will be required to provide confirmation that their employees have been trained in AODA IASR and customer service regulations and that they are familiar with and will adhere to Annex’ policies regarding accessibility. Proof of confirmation will be retained by the Human Resources Manager.

The Human Resources Manager will retain training records for each employee.

Training will occur during orientation for new employees and for all employees when changes occur to the plan or policies. Retraining needs will be assessed annually.

Accessible Formats and Communication Support for Employees

On request, Annex will consult with an employee with a disability to provide or arrange for the provision of suitable accessible formats and communication support. This will ensure that the accommodation will serve both the needs of the employee and the ability of Annex to provide that support.

Where an employee has an individual accommodation plan, the accessible formats and/or communication supports that will be provided will be documented in that plan.

Documented Individual Accommodation Plans

Where an employee with a disability requests accommodation, the Human Resources Manager will consult with that employee and his/her manager to develop an individual accommodation plan.

Those involved in the development of the plan will ensure that the privacy of the employee’s personal information is protected.

Where necessary, Annex may request an evaluation by, or the assistance of, an outside medical or other expert to determine if, and how accommodation may be achieved.

The plan will be a documented collaborative approach to ensure that the employee’s needs are met while ensuring both parties understand the job function expectations.

The plan will include any accessible formats or communication supports required, and any individualized workplace emergency response plan for this employee. It will be documented in a format that takes into account the employee’s disability.

The plan will include timing for review to ensure that it remains up-to-date and effective.

Workplace Emergency Response Information

Employee safety is very important. Where Annex has been made aware of a temporary or permanent disability, an individualized workplace emergency response plan will be developed.

With the assistance of the Human Resources Manager, the employee with the disability will complete the “Employee Emergency Response Worksheet” detailing barriers and concerns should an emergency occur. The Human Resources Manager will work with the employee to develop a documented individualized emergency response plan that will meet his/her needs in an emergency situation.

Where a co-worker will be required to assist in an emergency, they will be provided with details of how they can help. They will not be told the details of your medical condition or disability, only the type of help you may need in an emergency situation. The information you provide will be kept confidential and only shared with your consent.

The plan will include appropriate emergency responses for fire, power outages, severe weather, natural disasters and security incidents.

The plan will be reviewed when the employee moves to a different location, when his individual accommodation plan is reviewed and when Annex reviews general emergency response policies.

Return to Work Process

When an employee with either a temporary or permanent disability has been deemed ready to return to work, the Human Resources Manager will consult with that employee to determine what accommodation is required.

A written plan will be developed to outline the steps required and the timing involved to facilitate a return to work. It would use their individual accommodation plan, where it exists, as part of the process.

Performance Management, Career Development and Advancement

Annually, all employees meet with their manager to discuss goals and activities in order to assess and improve employee performance and facilitate career development, with the goal of enabling employee success.

During the meeting, the employee and manager will review the employee’s individual accommodation plan to determine if an adjustment would improve his or her performance on the job.

If requested by the employee, documents related to performance will be supplied in an appropriate accessible format. Formal and informal coaching will be provided in a manner that takes into account an employee’s disability.

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan


In an effort to facilitate the full participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society, in 2005 the government of Ontario passed the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (the “AODA”). The AODA requires that employers establish, implement, maintain and document a multi-year accessibility plan which outlines the organization’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers for persons with disabilities and to meet its requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standard (“IAS”).

Overview and General Accessibility Requirements

In order for Annex to achieve the goals set out in our Statement of Commitment, and to meet and sustain compliance with the AODA, an AODA Committee of individuals representing all staff has been formed to:

  • Understand the requirements under the AODA
  • Assess current policies and practices to identify barriers or potential improvements to accessibility.
  • Review and update policies, and practices to ensure high quality accessible service.
  • Identify actions necessary to improve accessibility.
  • Ensure that Annex meets timelines identified in the legislation.

Information and Communication Standard Feedback

Staff have been asked to forward any feedback they receive regarding accessibility directly to the Human Resources Manager. Any changes to current practice due to feedback, will be brought to the AODA Committee to ensure policies are updated and communicated.

Accessible Formats and Communication Supports

All facets of the customer service policy have been implemented. Accessibility related to customer service, including ideas for improvement will be added to department meeting discussions to reinforce training.

Staff handling trade shows will include accessibility information regarding the venue on the location page of each event site.

Accessible Websites and Web Content

All new public websites, or those which have had a significant refresh, conform to World Wide Web Consortium Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) 2.0, Level A, at a minimum.

Annex is on target to ensure that by January 1, 2021, all public websites and web content published after January 1, 2012, will conform to WCAG Level AA, other than providing captions on live videos or audio descriptions for pre-recorded videos.

Annex staff have referred to The Ontario Gov’t publication “Information and Communications Standard – Making Your Website More Accessible” to assist in making effective changes to websites.

Employment Standards

All facets of the employment policy have been implemented:

  • Recruitment
  • Recruitment, assessment or selection process
  • Notice to successful applicants
  • Informing employees of supports
  • Accessible formats and communication supports for employees
  • Workplace emergency response information
  • Documented individual accommodation plans
  • Return to work process
  • Performance Management
  • Career development and advancement
  • Employees are encouraged to give feedback or concerns to the Human Resources Manager, Director of Soul or the CEO.
  • Accessibility related to employment will be added to department meeting discussions to reinforce training and source ideas for improvement.
  • Policies and practices regarding emergencies and accessibility will be added to the Health and Safety program.

Employees are encouraged to give feedback or concerns to the Human Resources Manager, Director of Soul or the CEO.

Accessibility related to employment will be added to department meeting discussions to reinforce training and source ideas for improvement.

Policies and practices regarding emergencies and accessibility will be added to the Health and Safety program.


The AODA Committee meets regularly to ensure that accessibility improvements continue and that Annex meets legislative commitments.


For more information on Annex’s Accessibility Plan, please contact Human Resources at:

Accessible formats of this document are available for free upon request by contacting Human Resources.

Updated: October 2018